Saturday, June 8, 2013

Beginning production on Tabletop Season 2.5WIL WHEATON dot ...

Last year, we shot the entire season of Tabletop in 10 straight days. I think we maybe took two days off in there somewhere, but my memory is a haze of rolling dice (badly), having all kinds of fun with awesome people, and losing games. Oh, the losing games.

This season, we had to split production into two different weeks, and in three hours, we?ll start production on the back half of season two. To prepare, I?ve spent tons of time in the last month or so playing the games we?re featuring, so I not only know them well enough to guide players who are new to them, but maybe have a chance at just winning one fucking game on my show. Just one, Gaming Gods, that?s all I?m asking for. ?IS THAT SO WRONG?!

Um. Sorry. Lots of coffee at the moment.

So last night I set my alarm for 7am, managed to fall asleep around midnight even though I felt like a little kid on Christmas Eve ? and then woke up at 5:45 because I?m so damn excited to get into production. It?s going to hurt my brain around the time we wrap tonight, I?m sure, but the excitement and joy of playing games I love with awesome people is going to keep me going all day, like it does during every day of production.

I?m sure I?ll be posting pictures and maybe a few stupid cell phone videos from the set on Twitter, so if you want to see them, I?m @wilw.

I have this idea, and I need your help to make it happen: I?ve heard amazing stories from thousands of people over the last year about how Tabletop has touched their lives in a positive way. I would love to share some of those stories with my crew, so they know how much the show they?re working on matters to people they don?t even know. If you have one of those stories, would you please post it in a comment here? Every morning, I?ll print one or two out and read them to the crew before we start shooting.



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