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Animations from the Inspiration Mars Foundation trace the trajectory for a 501-day round trip to Mars.
By Alan Boyle, Science Editor, NBC News
Millionaire space tourist Dennis Tito's plan to send two astronauts on a 501-day flight that zooms past Mars and swings back to Earth?would set plenty of precedents on the final frontier?? but the most intriguing precedent might have to do with the astronauts that are to be sent: one man and one woman, preferably a married couple beyond childbearing years. We're talking about sex in space, folks.
And if that's not intriguing enough, consider this: There are already a couple of candidates for the job.
"We'll certainly throw our hat in the ring," said Taber MacCallum, who's a member of the development team for the 2018 mission that Tito has in mind.
MacCallum and his wife, Jane Poynter, were crew members together in Biosphere 2, the controversial two-year-long experiment in long-term environmental containment. They went on to become co-founders of Paragon Space Development Corp., a company specializing in life-support systems for spacecraft. Their expertise in life support is why they're involved in Tito's "Mission for America," which was officially unveiled on Wednesday at the National Press Club in Washington. But it just so happens that they also fit the profile for the trip: Poynter is about 50, and MacCallum will turn 49 on July 20, the anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.
The couple won't be the only candidates in the running. "When we tell people we're proposing to send a man and a woman on a mission to Mars, as a married couple, people line up. ... That chord gets struck over and over again," MacCallum said.
MacCallum explained that Tito wants the crew on humanity's first trip to Mars to be representative of humanity, and because the current concept for the trip calls for two spacefliers, that means a man and a woman. A married couple would be ideal, MacCallum said, because of the "whole issue of companionship." MacCallum didn't refer specifically to sex, but that would presumably be part of the companionship package.
"When you're out that far, and the Earth is a tiny, blue pinpoint, you're going to need someone you can hug," Tito told During Wednesday's briefing, Tito told reporters that he envisioned Dr. Phil giving the couple "marital advice" during the trip.
Taber MacCallum and his wife, Jane Poynter, are part of the planning team for a mission to Mars in 2018. They're also potential candidates to take the trip.
In addition to their experience with life-support systems (and with each other), MacCallum and Poynter can draw upon their experience with life in isolation during the Biosphere 2 experiment in Arizona, which lasted from 1991 to 1993. The isolation inside a two-room spacecraft for 501 days will be even deeper. Even though the Biosphere 2 crew was separated from the outside world, "we could walk out at any time," MacCallum pointed out.
That's not the only challenge: Even with radiation shielding in place, the round trip to Mars is likely to involve exposure levels higher than NASA's limits, MacCallum said. (That's why the astronauts should be beyond their childbearing years and willing to accept an increased risk of cancer.)
Then there's the exposure to the health effects of long-term weightlessness, including bone loss and muscle loss. The astronauts who fly past Mars will surpass Soviet cosmonaut Valery Polyakov's 437-day record for continuous time in microgravity, set in 1994-1995 aboard the much roomier Mir space station.?
"We're definitely pushing boundaries," MacCallum said. "It's definitely going to be hard and challenging. But we can rely on elegance and simplicity."
When, where and how?
The details of the mission plan have come to light just in the past few days, but MacCallum said that Tito has been mulling over the idea for years. Tito started out as an engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, helping to design trajectories for the Mariner missions to Mars in the 1970s. Then he put his math genius to work in the investment world, building California-based Wilshire Associates into a multibillion-dollar powerhouse. In 2001, he spent around $20 million of his fortune for a seat on the Russian Soyuz spacecraft traveling to and from to the International Space Station.
After his eight-day space tour, Tito got back to business. But he also started working out a trajectory that could send a spaceship directly from Earth to Mars for a fly-by within 100 miles (160 kilometers) of the Red Planet's surface, and then back to the home planet 501 days after launch. Once the spaceship was on its way, only minor course corrections would be needed. There'd be no need for undocking or redocking ... no landing ... no do-or-die engine burn for the return from Mars.
There's one big catch, though: The trip will have to be started when the planets were aligned just right. One opportunity will come in 2016. Then there's another one in 2018. After that, the next chance won't come around until 2031.
Planning for a launch in January 2018 looked particularly attractive, and not just because that could plausibly provide enough time to put the mission together. That's also a time frame when solar activity is expected to be at a minimum, reducing the level of radiation exposure. So Tito assembled a team from Paragon as well as NASA's Ames Research Center and other space ventures to flesh out the mission plan.
The plan calls for launching the two astronauts in a crew capsule with a transfer rocket stage. If the launch vehicle is powerful enough ? say, the size of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy ? the upper stage and the crew capsule could be launched in one go. If the rocket doesn't have that much oomph, the capsule and the upper stage could be launched separately and then linked up in Earth orbit for the push onward to Mars.
Inspiration Mars
An artist's conception shows how the spacecraft for the Inspiration Mars Foundation's "Mission for America" might be configured ? with a crew capsule, an inflatable module similar to the ones built by Bigelow Aerospace, and an attached upper stage that could provide radiation shielding. The actual design has not yet been set.
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Pocket squares and funky bow ties are the latest among the grooms, and the ceremonies are becoming less traditional and more about the couple getting married. By customizing a wedding, Australian brides and grooms are depicting a wider view of who they really are by not following tradition. Due to the spending by the groom, the average cost of wedding are expected to rise slightly in 2013, especially as more and more grooms are now actively playing a bigger role in planning their wedding. Most wedding budgets can be significantly impacted by items such as accessories, groom rings and cakes, unique groom gifts and honeymoon plans. However, the brides are in favour of the groom spending more as the wedding involves the groom and the bride. To match the latest trends are Brisbane wedding venues that are in line with customizing and personalizing the couple wedding day according to specifications. Shabby chic was reflected in 2012 due to the economic slump, and some designers are predicting the return of elegance which will draw old world inspiration from a Royal Affair, The great Gatsby and other such cinematic influences. Wedding dresses will be made from beautiful decadent fabrics, costume jewellery, metallic, ornate lace and corsets and the couples will host more formal receptions. In Australia and around the world this trend has already reflected runways and red carpets and will soon be incorporated into wedding ceremonies again.
In spring, designers are expecting to see an increase in bird themes which include bird themed invitations, card holders as little bird cages, bird necklaces, tossing bird seed instead of confetti, bird nest favours and an increase I feather hair accessories. The wedding flowers are combined with soft shades of greys and yellows and other pastels which give a warm romantic feel and look. Texture is also being added by incorporating succulents, fruits, pods, grasses and berries with lace and beautiful ribbons.
About the Author:
Jasper Mason is a travel author. He pen articles related to party and conference venue and share his experience about Brisbane wedding venues. He appreciate hotels in Brisbane for stay when you visit Australia.
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BAGHDAD (Reuters) - After a freeze that lasted more than two decades, Iraq's state airline on Wednesday launched its first flight to Kuwait since former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's invaded the neighboring nation in 1990.
Iraq's foreign and transport ministers traveled on the symbolic Iraqi Airways flight, hailed by officials as a sign of improving relations between the oil-producing neighbors, and they were greeted by Kuwaiti officials upon landing.
The Iraqi transport ministry said there would now be regular flights between the countries.
"Today was the first flight between Iraq and Kuwait after a stoppage that lasted more than 22 years," the ministry's media advisor Karim al-Nuri said.
"This visit shows that Iraq has started to be open, especially with the state of Kuwait ... I believe that relations are heading in a positive direction."
The invasion of Kuwait led to the first Gulf War in which a U.S.-led coalition intervened to force Iraq out.
Diplomatic ties between the Middle East neighbors were bolstered last year after they came to a settlement over Gulf War-era debts, and by a series of bilateral visits involving Kuwait's ruler and Iraq's prime minister.
In December, Kuwait's state-run airline dropped legal cases against Iraqi Airways in return for compensation of $500 million.
Although one small private carrier offers direct flights between the two countries, major airlines route through cities such as Dubai even though the nations' capitals lie just 560 km (346 miles) apart. Kuwait's state-run carrier has yet to restart flights to Iraq.
(Reporting by Aseel Kami; Editing by Pravin Char)
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By Phyllis Schlafly
President Obama ended his State of the Union speech on a warm and fuzzy note by calling for pre-K programs for almost all children. The best thing he could do for pre-kindergarten children is to make sure he doesn?t hang trillions of dollars of debt around their necks, but that isn?t the route he is taking.
Instead, Obama wants to provide government daycare for all preschoolers who live in households where the income is below approximately $47,100. He doesn?t call it daycare or babysitting (which is a more accurate term); he calls it early childhood education.
Early childhood education means programs for kids from birth to age 3 (a massively expanded Early Head Start, home visits by nurses, parental education and health services), more of the existing Head Start (mostly for 3-year-olds), more ?high-quality preschool? for 4-year-olds available to every child in America and full-day kindergarten for all.
Obama went to College Heights Early Childhood Learning Center near Atlanta to formally unveil his extravagant program. He said, ?Let?s do what works and make sure none of our children start the race of life already behind.?
The daycare advocates like to cite as models for success the so-called Perry Preschool Project and the Abecedarian Project. Those two projects took place a half-century ago, using highly trained teachers under optimum conditions; one project studied only 58 3-to 4-year-old children, and the other only 57.
The proclaimed purpose of pre-K education is to close the gap between kids from high-income and low-income households. The defect in Obama?s announcement is that there is no evidence that pre-K schooling can or will accomplish that ? it?s not a program ?that works.?
The federal program called Head Start was created in 1965 as part of Lyndon B. Johnson?s War on Poverty. It has been running nearly 50 years, now costing $23,000 per student, and incurring a total expense of $150 billion, but it still does not provide promised benefits.
Obama likes to say he is guided by ?the science,? and he claims that ?study after study? shows every dollar of Pre-K ?investment? (that?s the liberals? synonym for taxes) saves seven dollars later on. Obama?s falsehood is easily refuted.
In fact, all studies show that Head Start and all the early interventions do not achieve what they promised, and any benefits ?fade out? by the third grade. His own Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) did an important Head Start Impact Study tracking the progress of 3- and 4-year-olds from entering Head Start through kindergarten and first grade and then a follow-up study on the students? performance through the end of the third grade.
The conclusion was that Head Start had little to no effect on cognitive, social-emotional or health outcomes of participating children. The HHS report was released on the Friday before Christmas, hoping to avoid press coverage and to minimize public attention.
The principal goals of the billions of federal tax dollars poured into public schools during the George W. Bush Administration were to raise U.S. scores on international tests and to close the gap between high-income and low-income students. All that spending was a failure on both counts.
Head Start was based on the assumption that government schools can compensate children for the disadvantage of being poor. It?s time to face up to the fact that children are poor mainly because they don?t have a father provider-protector, and the problem we should address is the decline in marriage.
Obama?s pre-K proposals are just a reprise of the perennial feminist demand for government-paid daycare. The feminists believe it?s part of the war on women by the patriarchy for society to expect mothers to care for their children, and they should be relieved of this burden by the taxpayers.
Can you believe? The feminists are still whining about President Richard Nixon?s 1971 veto of the Brademas-Mondale Comprehensive Child Development Act, which would have made daycare (now called Pre-K) a new middle class entitlement. A feminist article on Feb. 14, 2013 in The New York Times claimed that Obama?s pre-K proposal is a resurrection of Walter Mondale?s bill that was defeated under a tsunami of public opposition.
The feminists are thrilled that Obama has picked up where Mondale left off 42 years ago. Remember Mondale? He was defeated by Ronald Reagan back in 1984.
The real difference between high-achieving and low-achieving children is whether or not they live in a traditional family. There is no substitute for the enormous advantage to children of growing up in a home with their own mother and father.
A better formula for helping kids to achieve in school would be to stop giving financial handouts that operate as incentives to women to have babies without marriage.
Phyllis Schlafly is a national leader of the pro-family movement, a nationally syndicated columnist and author of Feminist Fantasies.
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The American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) has announced the set up of a new internet site, called Breakthrough Greece, which aims at promoting the dynamic, extroverted and innovative Greek enterprises to the international markets.
The chamber?s Chairman, Yiannos Grammatides, noted that this website aims to promote the harmonious development in Greek-American relations in the economic and business field, to aid the increase in trade and development between the two countries and acquaint and inform the American business community in Greece with the economic environment and business practices of the host country.
Also, to assist Greek businesspeople who wish to create business partnerships with American companies, represent the American business community vis-a-vis government departments and agencies, aid and assist importers and investors in their respective countries, provide a forum for an exchange of views on matters of mutual business and commercial interest.
Elias Spirtounias, Executive Director of AMCHAM, said that the promotion of Greek companies through the new website will be done at no cost, while providing advice and services for their better online presentation.
More than 10 companies have already registered, while the goal is through the communicating promotion to increase the number of companies. Priority will be given to Greek companies which are extroverted, showing drive and determination to expand and conquer the international market.
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Ever look on a clothing tag for laundry instructions only to find a bunch of hieroglyph-like symbols that you can't decipher? Primer Magazine has a simple chart that shows you what each one means.
Most of them are pretty easy to understand: a crossed out iron means "do not iron," a crossed out dryer means "do not dry," and so on. Other symbols are more confusing: a circle means "dry clean," a triangle means "bleach," and three dots means "high heat" inside of whatever other symbol is present. Click on the image below for a closer look.
Clothing Care Symbols | Primer Magazine via Reddit
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Bruno Mars, Matt Damon, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Chastain and more stars join in on the parody sequel.
By Drew Taylor
Jimmy Kimmel and Jessica Chastain in "Movie: The Movie: 2V "
Photo: ABC
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Entry #2141, February 25, 2013
Curtains add so much to your home interiors.? They help with lighting control, steadying the temperature and a great overall finish to the room.? But how many times have we (ourselves) gone to the department store only to get there and find out that what we need are out of stock or the wrong size for our windows or unpleasing to look at.? Wouldn?t it be nice to be able to get curtains that you actually like, that are the proper size, and will last?? Here, you will learn how to create your own custom curtains to fit your specific needs.
Make your own curtains
Image via: Shelterness
1)????? Measuring Tape
2)????? Fabric
3)????? Pin Needles
4)????? Needle and Thread
How To Create Curtains
Image via: Jogja Images
1)????? You want to measure the size of your windows, to help you decide on how much fabric you may need and how long you want your curtains to be.
2)????? Next, you will need to purchase the fabric for the curtains and you can go to any fabric store of your choice or even if you think it is convenient for you, you can order them online.
3)????? If you have a basic window then 7? X 9? (7 by 9 foot) of tapestry should be a good enough amount to cover it.? Measure how low you want the fabric that you purchased, then slice that fabric in half and begin to sow the hem on the edges.
4)????? Hem the top of the curtain with a loop, so that the curtain will be able to easily slip through the rod.
5)????? Now, if you would like to have a double-layer reversible curtain purchase two different fabrics and sow the backs of the fabrics together.? After the fabrics have become one then treat them as such and do the steps above and there you shall have your double-sided, layered, reversible curtain.
There is nothing like upgrading your space with a change in the window treatments.? It is cost effective, saves you time and money plus these curtains will be your custom made creations.? Have fun with it and try it out!
For more DIY ideas on Stagetecture, click here.
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It began as a seemingly awkward Jack Nicholson introduction of the very long list on nominees, but the Best Picture denouement?at a very long Oscars ceremony on Sunday turned into a surprise appearance by Michelle Obama, via satellite from the Governors' Ball in Washington, D.C.?where earlier she had sat next to Chris Christie?to introduce and announce the winner,?Argo.?
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It's what the 920 should've been -- the Lumia 720, that is. And that's likely what other press will claim, as well. From the moment Nokia laid the slim, 4.3-inch device in our hands, it was apparent the company has a different user in its sights: the hyper social and style-obsessed. With a profile of 9mm, the Lumia 720 is now the thinnest Windows Phone 8 device in the Finnish company's lineup. And it's also the "trendiest," as Nokia will no doubt remind you in its eventual marketing. So, you can forget about dazzling specs -- the 720's demo supposedly isn't concerned with bleeding edge tech. In fact, some of what you'll find in the 720 can also be found in its lowest end cousin, the 520; like that dual-core 1GHz Snapdragon processor and 800 x 480 Sensitive Touch display.
The question then is: what makes this Lumia sleek enough for the fashion crowd (and their tiny purses and skinny jeans)? At its base, the 720 is all about color(s) and camera, just not in the way the Lumia 920 was. For starters, the slight-looking 720 will come in five different shades (matte: cyan, yellow, black and red; glossy: white) and includes a 1.3-megapixel front facer with wide-angle lens and a new 6.7-megapixel rear camera module with f/1.9 lens (developed with Carl Zeiss labs) for lowlight performance. There's also a new digital lens Nokia's pre-installed, dubbed Glam Me, to give selfies (aka personal portrait shots) an extra bit of sheen -- something Nokia tells us its Asian user are clamoring for. Apparently, this new filter adds the ability to whiten teeth, widen eyes, soften skin and even overlay a rainy day window or magazine-like layouts to shots.
Filed under: Cellphones, Wireless, Mobile, Nokia
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(Recasts, adds witness and driver quotes, details) Feb 23 (Reuters) - A fiery pile-up at the Daytona speedway on Saturday injured at least 28 fans and a driver after the 10-car crash sent car debris, including a tire, flying into the crowd in the final lap of the Nationwide NASCAR race. Race officials said 14 fans were sent to nearby hospitals and another 14 were treated at the Florida track, which will host the prestigious Daytona 500 race on Sunday. "Stuff was flying everywhere," spectator Terry Huckaby, whose brother was sent to the hospital with a leg injury, told the ESPN sports network. ...
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ANAHEIM, Calif. -- Urijah Faber and Court McGee got back on the winning track at UFC 157 on Saturday.
Faber got a first-round submission win over Ivan Menjivar. Faber and Menjivar started the fight with a rolling takedown and Faber ended up on top. He worked the top position until Menjivar got back to his feet. Faber held on, and while attached to Menjivar's back, Faber swung around and sunk in a rear naked choke. Menjivar tapped at 4:34 in the first round. The Anaheim crowd erupted for "The California Kid."
It was an important win for Faber after he lost a title fight to Renan Barao in July. The win puts him at 27-6, with five of his losses coming in title fights.
[Also: Ronda Rousey survives UFC debut, wins via first-round arm bar]
In earlier action, Court McGee punched his way to a decision win over Josh Neer. McGee used an effective strategy early on of working Josh Neer's body. Throughout the first round, Neer was hobbled by McGee's body punches. But in the second, McGee worked more on headshots. Though it wasn't as effective, McGee outstruck Neer. In the final round, McGee worked the ground game and controlled Neer while still leading on strikes. All three judges saw it 30-27 for McGee.
It was McGee's first fight at welterweight.
?I felt great at 170 lbs. This was a great move for me. I felt stronger, faster and had a lot more gas. I was told by FightMetric that I broke the record for most significant strikes ever in a welterweight fight and feel great. I could have stopped it, maybe, early with body shots but I was glad I put on a good performance.?
After the win, McGee's record is 15-3. Though he won "The Ultimate Fighter," he also lost two fights in 2012.
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>>> we begin with the search for suspects in connection with a deadly shooting on the las vegas strip . new information about the victims. we have more from los angeles . good morning.
>> reporter: erica, good morning. the driver of the maserati , kenny clutch cherry, was an aspiring rapper. while he had minor run-ins with the law several years ago, so far nothing explains why he would have been targeted for murder. authorities are hoping ever-present surveillance cameras in sin city provide the break they need. today investigators are scouring recordings from surveillance cameras . both inside and around the aria hotel.
>> there is quite a bit of video available that we are at this point in time retrieving.
>> reporter: hoping they hold the clues that could provide the break they need in thursday's horrific shooting. the crime scene has been cleared. and the vegas strip is back open for business. still, authorities don't seem any closer to determining what led to the shooting. the gunman still on the loose. police say it began with an argument at the valet stand at the aria. the conflict continued on the vegas strip , witnesses said, when someone in a black range rover fired several shots at a gray maserati . the maserati spun out of control, hitting several cars, including a taxi that exploded. three people were killed. the taxi driver identified overnight as michael bolden, his passenger, sandra sutton wasmond, and the driver of the maserati identified as kenneth clutch cherry.
>> reporter: the father of three was an aspiring rapper who rapped about his beloved sports car in a recent music video .
>> you never want it leave your children leave before you leave. i didn't have him long enough. so i have to live with that.
>> reporter: news of the shooting and accident stunned tourists.
>> terrifying really. i mean, we're staying at caesar's. it definitely could have been us.
>> we're from a small town in missouri. and, you know, things like that don't happen. i'm like, honey, that happened right out the window. crazy.
>> reporter: this manhunt spans four states. authorities say they're looking for a black range rover with paper plates. the vehicle they say may contain the gunman who turned the vegas strip into a scene of tragedy. erica?
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FILE - In this Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012 file photo, former Canadian Ambassador Ken Taylor and his wife Pat, pose for photographers at the premiere of the film Argo in Washington. Taylor, Canada's former ambassador in Iran, who protected Americans at great personal risk during the Iran hostage crisis of 1979, says if "Argo" wins the Oscar for best picture on Sunday there would be something wrong with director Ben Affleck if he didn't mention Canada, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen, File)
FILE - In this Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2012 file photo, former Canadian Ambassador Ken Taylor and his wife Pat, pose for photographers at the premiere of the film Argo in Washington. Taylor, Canada's former ambassador in Iran, who protected Americans at great personal risk during the Iran hostage crisis of 1979, says if "Argo" wins the Oscar for best picture on Sunday there would be something wrong with director Ben Affleck if he didn't mention Canada, Friday, Feb. 22, 2013. (AP Photo/Cliff Owen, File)
TORONTO (AP) ? The Canadian former ambassador to Iran who protected Americans at great personal risk during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis says it will reflect poorly on Ben Affleck if he doesn't say a few words about Canada's role if the director's film "Argo" wins the Oscar for best picture Sunday.
But Ken Taylor ? who said he feels slighted by the movie because it makes Canada look like a meek observer to CIA heroics in the rescue of six U.S. citizens caught in the crisis ? is not expecting it.
"I would hope he would. If he doesn't than it's a further reflection," Taylor said. "But given the events of the last while I'm not necessarily anticipating anything."
Taylor kept the Americans hidden at the embassy in Tehran and facilitated their escape by getting fake passports and plane tickets for them. He became a hero in Canada and the United States after. The role he played in helping the Americans to freedom was minimized in the film.
"In general it makes it seem like the Canadians were just along for the ride. The Canadians were brave. Period," Taylor said.
Affleck's thriller is widely expected to win the best-picture trophy. Two other high-profile best-picture nominees this year, Kathryn Bigelow's "Zero Dark Thirty" and Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln," have also been criticized for their portrayal of some factual issues.
Affleck said in a statement Friday night he thought his issue with Taylor had been resolved.
"I admire Ken very much for his role in rescuing the six houseguests. I consider him a hero.?In light of my many conversations as well as a change to an end card that Ken requested I am surprised that Ken continues to take issue with the film," he said in a statement. "I spoke to him recently when he asked me to narrate a documentary he is prominently featured in and yet he didn't mention any lingering concerns.?I agreed to do it and I look forward to seeing Ken at the recording."
Taylor noted that former U.S. President Jimmy Carter appeared on CNN on Thursday night and said "90 percent of the contributions to the ideas and the consummation of the plan was Canadian," but the film "gives almost full credit to the American CIA."
Carter also called "Argo" a complete distortion of what happened when he accepted an honorary degree from Queen's University in Canada in November.
"I saw the movie Argo recently and I was taken aback by its distortion of what happened because almost everything that was heroic, or courageous or innovative was done by Canada and not the United States," Carter said.
Taylor said there would be no movie without the Canadians.
"We took the six in without being asked so it starts there," Taylor said. "And the fact that we got them out with some help from the CIA then that's where the story loses itself. I think Jimmy Carter has it about right, it was 90 percent Canada, 10 percent the CIA."
He said CIA agent Tony Mendez, played by Affleck in the film, was only in Iran for a day and a half.
The movie also makes no mention of John Sheardown, a deputy at the Canadian embassy who sheltered some of the Americans. Taylor said it was Sheardown who took the first call and agreed right away to take the Americans in. Sheardown recently died and his wife, Zena, called the movie disappointing.
Friends of Taylor were outraged last September when "Argo" debuted at the Toronto International Film Festival. The original postscript of the movie said that Taylor received 112 citations and awards for his work in freeing the hostages and suggested Taylor didn't deserve them because the movie ends with the CIA deciding to let Canada have the credit for helping the Americans escape
Taylor called the postscript lines "disgraceful and insulting" and said it would have caused outrage in Canada if the lines were not changed. Affleck flew Taylor to Los Angeles after the Toronto debut and allowed him to insert a postscript that gave Canada some credit.
Taylor called it a good movie and said he's not rooting against it, but said it is far from accurate.
"He's a good director. It's got momentum. There's nothing much right from Day 1 I could do about the movie. I changed a line at the end because the caption at the end was disgraceful. It's like Tiananmen Square, you are sitting in front of a big tank," he said.
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There's a new way to farm at Mississippi State University, and the harvest yields renewable energy and teaches a new generation of students how to harness it for practical use.
MSU's energy farm consists of 24 solar panels and two wind turbines on top of the Simrall Electrical and Computer Engineering Building on the east side of campus. Under the leadership of Yong Fu, assistant professor in the electrical and computer engineering department, students have learned how to choose the appropriate equipment, figure out how it works and install, connect and operate it.
Two MSU graduate students, doctoral candidate Saher Albatran of Jordan and master's candidate Chiranjeevi Madvesh of India, have been part of the energy farm since it was conceptualized in early 2012. The farm is part of Fu's renewable energy integration course, which teaches students about harvesting, converting, operating, planning and marketing various renewable energy resources, including wind and solar energies.
The course allowed Albatran and Madvesh to become leaders in understanding the variable and sustainable attributes of renewable energy. Albatran headed the wind turbine project, while Madvesh spearheaded the solar panel initiative.
"We had to do all the mechanical-, civil-, electrical- and software-related work to make it successful," Madvesh said. "Today, we are feeding the energy back to the grid. The satisfaction we got by working on this project and the smiles on the faces of the team members are priceless."
Fu said students in his class explore how to connect wind and solar energies to a grid.
"If you show them the real-world application, that gives them understanding," he said. "The students enjoy it; sometimes I will teach my class in the lab. They work together to get the first-hand experience."
By choosing, installing and connecting the equipment, students get the chance not just to see the hardware work, but they also are able to ask relevant questions about application, Albatran said.
Overall, he said the experience has been very exciting work for him and has reinforced his leadership skills.
"I learned how to manage and how to divide the work among the students. Also, I learned how to make sure that all of them are ready to do the work, and if I did something alone, how to keep them in contact so they know all the details," Albatran said. "Otherwise, the work flow could go in an unexpected direction."
The mechanical and civil engineering work necessary to installing and connecting the renewable energies to the grid was a positive complement to the electrical engineering necessary to bring the project to fruition, Albatran and Madvesh agreed.
In addition to students researching, installing and connecting the solar panels and wind turbines, they are also collecting data, including energy generated and phase voltages and currents, Madvesh said.
"Students even worked on data analysis and were able to find out things which can really help to improve the present capacity of power delivery," he said.
Learning about renewable energies is one thing, Fu said, but actually implementing them is fostering the kind of learning that will benefit students in their careers.
"On the whole, the project was absolutely amazing, definitely one of my best experiences. It's a good achievement in a very short duration of time," Madvesh said. "I thank Dr. Fu and the department of electrical and computer engineering for giving me this opportunity."
MSU's energy farm is supported by the state Department of Energy Smart Grid Education and Workforce Training Project.
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Summary:Follow this article, you can solve your Sony PMW-350, 350K, 350L MP4 files to Adobe Premiere Pro CS6/CS5/CS4 importing issue, please read.
Sony continues to expand and improve its XDCAM EX lineup with the PMW-350(PMW-350K, PMW-350L) Full HD Camcorder. Boasting three 2/3"-type full-HD CMOS sensors, solid state SxS workflow and an impressive set of advanced features, this professional shoulder-mount camera sets a new standard for affordable, high-end videography. With a chassis based on the XDCAM HD422, the PMW-350K also manages to be one of the lightest--and most well-balanced--camcorders in its class.
PMW-350(PMW-350K, PMW-350L) Recording codec:
1920 x 1080 HD Recording Using the "MPEG-2 Long GOP" Codec
The PMW-350 records 1920 x 1080 full HD images using the "MPEG-2 Long GOP" codec, which conforms to the MPEG-2 MP@HL compression standard. "MPEG-2 Long GOP" is a mature codec--also adopted by the XDCAM HD and HDV 1080i series of products--which enables users to record stunning HD video and audio with highly efficient, reliable data compression.
"MP4" friendly format:
With the XDCAM EX series, recordings are made as data files in the "MP4" format, which is widely used in a number of recent electronic portable devices and has been standardized by ISO.
The file-based recording allows material to be handled with great flexibility in an IT-based environment--easily available for copying, transferring, sharing, and archiving. All these operations are accomplished without any "digitizing" process required.
How to transfer Sony PMW-350/350K/350L MP4 files to Adobe Premiere Pro CS6/CS5/CS4 for editing on Mac?
The best video codec and format supported by Adobe Premiere Pro CS6/CS5/CS4 on Mac is:Apple ProRes 422 codec MOV format, or QuickTime MOV format.
So before importing Sony PMW-350/350K/350L MP4 files to Adobe Premiere Pro CS6/CS5/CS4, you can use Pavtube HD Video Converter for Mac to transcode Sony PMW-350/350K/350L MP4 to MOV for Premiere Pro CS6/CS5/CS4, and then you can edit smoothly. Now please follow the steps below to know detail conversion steps.
1. Download and install Pavtube HD Video Converter for Mac. It?s an excellent software which can convert Sony PMW-350/350K/350L MP4 to MOV for Adobe Premiere Pro CS6/CS5/CS4 on Mac 10.8, more output formats are also supported, such as MOV, AVI, etc.
2. Import the Sony PMW-350/350K/350L MP4 video you want to convert.
3. Click format column to choose the best video format for editing in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6/CS5/CS4 on Mac. Click and choose Apple ProRes 422 MOV for output. You can also choose Adobe Premiere -> MOV for output.
4. You can customize output parameters as you want. Adjust the resolution, bitrate, etc according to your need; you can also keep the parameters as original.
5. After these steps above, click convert button to start converting Sony PMW-350/350K/350L MP4 to ProRes MOV for Adobe Premiere Pro CS6/CS5/CS4 on Mac.
As soon as the conversion process finished, you can click ?Open? button to get the generated file that is ready for editing with Premiere Pro.
* Start up Premiere Pro, choose File > Import?, and navigate to the source folder to import files.
This Sony PMW MP4 to Premiere Pro converter will help you convert videos with best quality, and then you can edit Sony PMW-350/350K/350L MP4 in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6/CS5/CS4 on Mac as you want with no codec problems.
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